Chapter 51-Ash of Ash Johns

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Ash. In this chapter, Ash talks about her close relationship with her roll dawg, her grammy, who practiced Black spirituality. She says she wanted to be the change in her family line, so as a teenager took notes on the things she wanted… Continue reading Chapter 51-Ash of Ash Johns

Chapter 49-Mecca of My Life Created and Stars on Fire

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Mecca. In this chapter, Mecca talks about growing up in the Bronx a brown skinned, chubby, natural haired girl, who was often told that she didn’t belong, and didn’t fit in. She discusses her challenging relationship with her parents, being the mom of… Continue reading Chapter 49-Mecca of My Life Created and Stars on Fire

Chapter 43-Jeneva of Where is Neva?

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Jeneva. In this chapter, Jeneva is being transparent about her journey financially, artistically, romantically, physically, and mentally. She talks about consciously healing generational trauma, while trying to make space for her own growth and joy and artistry. We chat a bit about the… Continue reading Chapter 43-Jeneva of Where is Neva?