Chapter 89-Cinneah of Flynanced

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Cinneah. In this chapter, Cinneah talks about her relationship with money, her professional background, and how an extended trip to Mexico has given her an opportunity to solo travel, and create more space to hear herself. She has a product development background and… Continue reading Chapter 89-Cinneah of Flynanced

Chapter 86-Kiersten Brown

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Kiersten. In this chapter, Kiersten talks about not fitting neatly into boxes, and how travel was a way for her to experience the fullness of herself. She says journaling, and seeing other Black women traveling and reshaping their identities helped her to feel… Continue reading Chapter 86-Kiersten Brown

Chapter 81-Ellie of Nite Views

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Ellie. In this chapter, Ellie talks about growing up with reading and journaling being a constant in her life, and how travel, and lack of representation caused her to start her brand. She shares her experiences being first generation Jamaican Canadian, exploring Canada… Continue reading Chapter 81-Ellie of Nite Views

Chapter 80-As Told by Nella

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Nella. In this chapter, Nella says travel became a way for her to decompress from medical school, and a way to spend quality time with her friends. She shares with us how she continues to prioritize travel as a medical doctor, and how… Continue reading Chapter 80-As Told by Nella