Chapter 60-Rosetta of Rosetta Thurman

A huge thank you and welcome to our new patron Robin! Thank you for supporting the podcast on Patreon. Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Rosetta.

In this chapter, Rosetta remembers being different from other children at a very early age, and talks about how the death of her father impacted her young life. As a result, later at the age of 25, she had a deep moment of clarity that literally changed her life. She talks about how accepting herself as different informed how she was able to make decisions to say yes to the life she wanted. Rosetta gets into what has helped her to stay focused on making her life count and living extraordinarily. After years of coaching, she shares the common barrier to success she’s noticed that keeps Black women from thriving. We also discuss Rosetta’s view on allies and the work that Black people need to focus on. Rosetta tells us why she views the work she does in her business as not being on a hamster wheel, and how first keeping herself happy impacts how she manages her online business. She shares with us why shooting for six figures in your business is not a magic number, but is a good number to start with, and why Black women have a hard time prioritizing that. Rosetta relays her view on being a traveler and having the romantic relationship you desire. She also talks about making the ways we celebrate ourselves, the new normal.

Rosetta is loving Instagram these days, so you can connect with her there. You can also join her free Facebook group, and check out everything she’s got going on on her website.

Rosetta is diggin Eric Roberson these days, and the poem “So Much Happiness” by Naomi Shihab Nye.

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Join us girl! The International Black Women Travel Jubilee presents Rally & Rejoice, the premium virtual event for travel content creators, digital nomads, and those aspiring happening Sunday’s, October 4th, 11th, & 18th.

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Be sure to tune in for new episodes every Sunday 9am ET.

Be well and travel well <3