Chapter 6-Stephanie of Vaycarious

Truly hope you enjoy and are inspired by this week’s episode with Stephanie Perry, the lady who dared to take a break from her career and found ways to sustain full-time traveling.

In this chapter, Stephanie talks about her grown-up gap year of 12 countries in 12 months, house sitting around the world, how’s she’s handling the fears of her parents, and how she’s been able to make money, and travel well on a budget. She doesn’t just talk about what she’s done, she shows you how you can do it too.

Hang out with Stephanie on Instagram or check for her on her website

This is the first line of a poem that has moved Stephanie lately:

Be who you are and will be
learn to cherish
that boisterous Black Angel
that drives you
up one day and down another
protecting the place where your power rises
running like hot blood
from the same source 
as your pain.

Audre Lorde –For Each of You

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Be sure to tune in for new episodes every Sunday 9am ET.

Be well and travel well <3